
When I was a kid and even a teenager, my all interests are books, films and being at home. That sounds boring to individuals who love enjoying outdoor activities but I was happy with that. I used to immerse myself into pencils, colours and shapes from 2 years old (Mom said |o|) and the passion about art/drawings originated from 7 years old by spending 8 hours/day for only drawing and reading comics. Who knows this aptitute has been opening many chances and to be a career which I chose for entire the rest my life!

When growing up, particularly working and sitting at the desk of the office many hours so I had not sufficient time for drawing. Instead of that, using camera phone and taking photos for 5-10 minutes/day should be a good idea. This has turned to my daily habit for 3 years.

If you are a loving-photograph, we can get connect!
The latest album I took in Taiwan. They are completely from the PHONE and you also can do that! I will publish the series of tips on Medium blog soon.